Welcome to Helena Bordon’s website

Shop By Helena Bordon

Helena Bordon

Fashion, Shop

Se você está procurando por um ÓCULOS VERMELHO, você acaba de achar! Temos vários MODELOS para você escolher!


Shape retangular flat | Chapa de acetato italiano

helena de nolita red

R$ 479,00

Clique aqui e confira mais detalhes!


Shape hexagonal | Metal

helena de emilia vinho

R$ 369,00

Clique aqui e confira mais detalhes!


Shape arredondado | Acetato italiano com metal | Lente flat

helena de beta vermelho

R$ 359,00

Clique aqui e confira mais detalhes!


Shape gatinho geométrico | Chapa de acetato italiano

helena de brooklyn red

R$ 479,00

Clique aqui e confira mais detalhes!

Se jogue nesse tom SUPER COOL E DIFERENTE!



Venha nos visitar em nas nossas lojas físicas!

– Helena Bordon –

Rua Pedroso Alvarega 678/Itaim Bibi

11 3774-2342 / 11 997351-8540

– Quiosque Helena Bordon –

GRU Airport – Aeroporto Internacional de São Paulo

Embarque conector oeste do terminal 2 – Doméstico (área restrita aos passageiros)

São Paulo – SP



4 comentários

  1. Avatar

    The red one is very much attractive, I really loved with this. Thank you so much for sharing this my friend. Every time you post something new and creative idea that is always worked for me in a better way. Eyeglasses are important vision correcting aids, and help protect the most delicate organs of our body, our eyes. These aids help contribute greatly to enhance our vision and enable us to see clearly. Eyeglasses come in different styles and frame colours. Most of the wearers, these days, prefer wearing eyeglasses with colourful frames. Red eyeglasses frames have become quite popular in recent times, especially among style conscious people who love to wear eyeglasses with charming colours. It is a general thinking that only girls prefer to carry spectacles with red eyeglasses frames. But, now-a-days trend has changed as boys have also started wearing eyeglasses with red frames. Red eyeglasses frames can form a great combination with different casual outfits. Girls can combine eyeglasses with red frames with their casual or traditional attire on several occasions. There are various brands which have come up with attractive eyeglasses designs in vibrant colours.

    Comentário by Essayjaguar.com on 04/06/2018 at 02:42
  2. Helena Bordon

    Dear Essayjaguar,

    We appreciate your contact and your considerations! Nice that you liked the post 😉

    Big kiss!

    Comentário by Helena Bordon on 08/06/2018 at 00:11
  3. Avatar

    Yes, I agree with essayjaguar, the red ones are much more attractive!

    DestinyGirl from

    Comentário by DestinyGirl on 07/06/2018 at 05:35
  4. Helena Bordon

    Dear DestinyGirl,

    We appreciate your contact! Nice to hear that you liked this post 😉

    Big kiss!

    Comentário by Helena Bordon on 07/06/2018 at 23:16

HELENA BORDON © 2017 – Todos os direitos reservados

Website by Camila Bossolan

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