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Helena Bordon


O dia das mães está chegando e o Shopping Cidade Jardim acaba de divulgar a campanha criada especialmente para essa data, e tem como foco os principais pontos do mall, destacando a alta gastronomia e moda, o shopping trouxe toda a equipe inglesa responsável pela campanha da Harrod’s de Londres.

Julia Marie Graham foi a fotógrafa responsável e fez questão de indicar os profissionais com quem quis trabalhar, por isso estiveram em São Paulo fotografando espaços do shopping um grupo de dez ingleses – responsáveis por criarem situações que transmitissem os conceitos ?high fashion, pop e fun? que são a tônica da campanha.

E mais: a stylist Gemma Hayward, editora de moda do Independent, de Londres, foi responsável por produzir os modelos brasileiros Barbara Fialho e Mihaly Martins, além da holandesa Marloes Horst. Já para ressaltar a gastronomia na campanha veio o food stylist Ian Graham, marido da fotógrafa, que passou quatro dias na cozinha preparando os pratos que compuseram as fotos. Acima uma foto do making of e abaixo o vídeo especial que começa a ser divulgado a partir dessa quinta-feira. Play!


The Mother’s Day is finally getting closer and the Shopping Cidade Jardim has just announced the campaign specially created for this day, and has as a focus the main locations of the mall, highlighting the incredible high fashion and cuisine, the mall brought the entire English team responsible for the Harrod’s campaign, from London.”

Julie Marie Graham was the photographer responsible and made a point when indicating the professionals she wanted to work with, that’s why there were a group of ten english people shooting at some of the stores here – responsible for creating situations that transmitted the concept of “high fashion, pop and fun? that is the focus of the campaign.

And more: the stylist Gemma Hayward, fashion editor of Independent, from London, was responsible of producing the brazilian models Barbara Fialho and Mihaly Martins, besides the dutch Marloes Horst. To highlight the amazing cuisine on the campaign they brought the food stylist Ian Graham, that is the husband of the photographer, that spent four days on the kitchen preparing the dishes that were shot. Above there is a photo of the making of and below a special video that starts to be released from this Thursday on. Play!


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